Humane Party Jobs Report: Assessing the Exploitation of Animals in the United States’ Agriculture, Food, and Related Industries Sectors

In 2017 the United States raised over 9.63 billion land-based animals. This number includes cows, veal (baby cows), cows for their milk, chickens, chickens for their eggs, turkeys, goats and sheep (both for their meat and their wool). There are also aquatic species (both wild and cultivated) as well as bees for honey. This massive industrial raising of animals for food and fiber requires a complex system of workers. Not all jobs are equal in their exploitation of the specific animal species. In order to fully assess which jobs are most exploitative, we have created a classification system.

Comparison of Farming in Production of Food per Acre: Measuring vegan-organic agriculture vs. animal-based agriculture

The Humane Party’s Economic Transition Team (ETT) has completed its report comparing vegan-organic agriculture and animal-based agriculture on an acre per acre basis. Using past Humane Party reports as well as USDA, FAO and animal agriculture industry data, we have compiled a series of tables analyzing the needs of the over 9.624 billion land animals that were raised in the United States in 2017 and have reached significant conclusions.

Election results 2018: Carnist parties sweep all 50 states—again

Carnist candidates swept elections in all 50 states on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.  While the Democrat-Republicans retain their exclusive hegemony in both houses of the U.S. Congress as well as in all 50 state legislatures, more than one billion animals are tortured, mutilated, raped, molested, kidnapped, and killed each year in the U.S.  These violent and perverse acts remain legal as a direct result of Democrat-Republican political supremacy at the state and federal level. However, ramp-up for the 2020 U.S. Senate, House, and Presidential races begins immediately. There is no time for delay. Environmentalists, animal rights activists, vegans, and abolitionists who wish to halt and reverse this process are invited to run for office.

Veggie Pride Parade | Don't Have a Cow

April 8, 2018: Veggie Pride Parade NYC | Event Schedule Available

The schedule for the 11th Annual Veggie Pride Parade in New York, NY, has been released.  The event features over 20 speakers representing a wide array of perspectives on veganism, animal liberation, free speech, and more. Participants can also network with over 30 exhibitors who will be present. An after-party buffet and all-vegan comedy show follows the event.

Guy Rittger, Technology Coordinator, The Humane Party

Born in Los Angeles, California, but raised in Japan, Singapore and Thailand, Guy Rittger joined the Humane Party in January 2017, as the national technology coordinator, in response to an invitation from Humane Party 2016 Presidential candidate Clifton Roberts.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions at 400 PPM:  The New Normal

It seems like every day the normal changes.  Last year was hotter than the previous one, which was the hottest year on record.  Storms have reached greater intensity than the year before.  In some places spring comes sooner with trees budding in January and in others the snow rests until late May, only to see record temperatures in June bypassing spring altogether.  No matter where any of us lives, all of us can claim that the weather is freaky and abnormal.  But why?  Maybe greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere are the reason.

First Amendment Victory for Animal Activists in Idaho

In a split decision on Idaho’s 2012 “ag-gag” law, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on January 4, 2018 that audio and visual recordings in animal agricultural facilities could not be prohibited by the state, upholding an earlier ruling that invalidated the Idaho law for violating free speech. The January 4th ruling is a partial victory for animal activists. 

Distribution of Animals Used for Agriculture and Manure Generated: Ratio of Manure to Land Application–Conclusions and Findings

The Humane Party’s Economic Transition Team has completed its report analyzing the manure generated from animals. The purpose of the document is to understand the daily generation of animal manure due to animal agriculture and its implications. Recommended rates of manure application to farmlands are taken into account along with each state’s total land and farming-allocated land to evaluate whether the amount of manure generated per state is insufficient, sufficient, or excessive to meet the fertilization needs of each state.

What Does It Take?

Knowing the devastation that factory farming causes to water, land or human health hasn’t convinced industry captains of the error of their ways. The myth of efficiency boosted factory farming for these many decades. Now the devastation it causes is coming back to haunt us. A conference in London, taking place October 5-6, will bring it all together.