Humane Party Jobs Report: Assessing the Exploitation of Animals in the United States’ Agriculture, Food, and Related Industries Sectors

In 2017 the United States raised over 9.63 billion land-based animals. This number includes cows, veal (baby cows), cows for their milk, chickens, chickens for their eggs, turkeys, goats and sheep (both for their meat and their wool). There are also aquatic species (both wild and cultivated) as well as bees for honey. This massive industrial raising of animals for food and fiber requires a complex system of workers. Not all jobs are equal in their exploitation of the specific animal species. In order to fully assess which jobs are most exploitative, we have created a classification system.

Election results 2018: Carnist parties sweep all 50 states—again

Carnist candidates swept elections in all 50 states on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.  While the Democrat-Republicans retain their exclusive hegemony in both houses of the U.S. Congress as well as in all 50 state legislatures, more than one billion animals are tortured, mutilated, raped, molested, kidnapped, and killed each year in the U.S.  These violent and perverse acts remain legal as a direct result of Democrat-Republican political supremacy at the state and federal level. However, ramp-up for the 2020 U.S. Senate, House, and Presidential races begins immediately. There is no time for delay. Environmentalists, animal rights activists, vegans, and abolitionists who wish to halt and reverse this process are invited to run for office.

Dutch MP Champions Animal Rights for UN Agenda

New York, NY, Oct. 22, 2018 – Esther Ouwehand, Member of Parliament for the Dutch Party for the Animals, is hosting the premier screening in New York tonight of the groundbreaking animal rights documentary, Dominion.

Veggie Pride Parade | Don't Have a Cow

April 8, 2018: Veggie Pride Parade NYC | Event Schedule Available

The schedule for the 11th Annual Veggie Pride Parade in New York, NY, has been released.  The event features over 20 speakers representing a wide array of perspectives on veganism, animal liberation, free speech, and more. Participants can also network with over 30 exhibitors who will be present. An after-party buffet and all-vegan comedy show follows the event.

United States Live Animal Trade

The Humane Party’s Economic Transition Team has completed its report on live animal trade in the United States.  The purpose of this report is to put together for the first time in one place the vast United States live animal trade industry data.  It is meant to highlight the number of animals from all species who are both exported from and imported to the United States.  The report also seeks to document the more than $3.5 billion U.S. industry that is the live animal export and import trade and to draw attention to the countries in which this trade is occurring.