Comparison of Protein and Caloric Energy (KCal) Produced Per Acre on U.S. Farms

Through a series of publications the Humane Party’s Economic Transition Team has revealed that the United States agriculture system needs to be converted 100% to plant-based agriculture. The Economic Transition Team is now happy to announce that it has completed its report on Comparing Protein and Caloric Energy (Kcal) Produced per Acre on US Farms.

Comparison of Farming in Production of Food per Acre: Measuring vegan-organic agriculture vs. animal-based agriculture

The Humane Party’s Economic Transition Team (ETT) has completed its report comparing vegan-organic agriculture and animal-based agriculture on an acre per acre basis. Using past Humane Party reports as well as USDA, FAO and animal agriculture industry data, we have compiled a series of tables analyzing the needs of the over 9.624 billion land animals that were raised in the United States in 2017 and have reached significant conclusions.

The Productivity of Vegan-Organic Farming: Measuring small-scale vegan-organic farming against large-scale conventional and organic practices

The “State of Food and Agriculture Report 2014” of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization shows that, “Families run nine out of every ten farms (worldwide) or 500 million farms.  Additional analysis shows that family farms occupy a large share of the world’s agricultural land and produce about 80% of the world’s food.”  Could small-scale farms be the answer to feeding an ever-growing population? To further that discussion, the Economic Transition Team of the Humane Party has completed its report analyzing the productivity of vegan-organic farming.